Termites are often called the “silent destroyer” because they may be secretly hiding and thriving in your home or yard without any immediate signs of damage. Termites, often incorrectly referred to as ‘white ants’, have been on this earth for more than 250 million years ago, long before humans.
Termites are broadly divided into three major termite groups: subterranean, dry wood and damp wood. If you are trying to classify a specific termite colony into a group, you need to look at the soldiers and the alates, the winged, unmated reproductive caste, because worker termites across groups tend to look the same. Also important is the appearance of the damage wood they consume.

Termi-shield service uses the chemical-barrier treatment which can be carried out in buildings under constructions (pre-construction service) as well as existing buildings (post-construction service).
Termite Control Is done by drill, fill and seal which is odourless and eco-friendly, effective by a proper chemical dilutions to get a chemical barrier to your house or property to save your dream home.