Rodents (commonly clubbed together as rats) comprise, mice, rats, gerbils, bandicoot rats, squirrels and porcupines and are among the most successful and abundant mammals on our plant. Years of evolution have made them extremely hardy animals. Some rodents are destructive pests that can spread disease, contaminate food and destroy property. They vary in colour and size by species. The most common rodents that live in close proximity to humans (called commensal rodents) in India are Mice, House Mouse, Roof rats, Bandicoots

They will scavenge through trash or eat any food that is left unprotected. They are capable of transmitting a variety of bacteria, Viruses and diseases through their saliva, feces and urine. Rodent include roof rats, house mouse & Bandicoots. They spread disease to human being.
Trapping through rodent controlling box with Glue Gum pads and Bromadioline poison baiting.