Bedbugs are human parasites and feed on blood. They are mainly active at night and hide in cracks and crevices in walls, beds and furniture and along the fold of mattresses and upholstery during the day. Adults can go without feeding for 80 to 140 days. A Bedbug can take six times weight in blood abd feeding can take 3 to 10 minutes.
Bedbug infestation are often picked up from cinema theatres, buses and trains and brought into homes on clothing, bedding and luggage. They also live on animals and birds found near homes such as chickens, pigeons, mice, and rats.

- Musty, Sweetish Odour
- Blood spots on mattress, pillow, bed sheets, etc.
- Excreted blood spot (Black, tarry residues)
- Adult or egg (Whitish, rice grain shaped)
- Evidence of bites, causes swelling after 10 – 15 minutes
One of the most tenacious of insects, they have tormented us humans for centuries. They Bedbugs are not known to be carriers of diseases, they can be a severe nuisance and give you and your family sleepless nights.

The infected area and material present in the room are completely removed, to do complete spraying thehouseholds are kept in the sunlight for a day or to remove the harmful bugs. It is necessary to check every 15 days once after the service is done. Frequently Service is necessary to remove bed bugs.